jeudi 10 novembre 2011

Watershed in Crisis

Working at the Partners in Learning Global Forum has been a real inspirational experience, thinking and talking about how to go beyond the tired old 19th-century teaching approaches, the "sage on the stage" (pardon my cliché).
We need to facilitate learning of 21st century skills, to get students' hands on the skills and technology they will need for today's and tomorrow's job market.
It's a tall order.

During the Partners in Learning Global Forum, I had the privilege and honor of working with a team of brilliant teachers who were all in Washington presenting their own projects that had won their local and regional competitions. We worked together to create a new project based on water resources at SERC, the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center.

"Where does our water come from, where does it go, and what happens to it on its way? Inspired by placed based learning in SERC's activity "It's All in the Watershed," students will learn about their watershed and analyze the issues, impacts, and problems in their own watershed. Student will then share their research with global partners who then look for solutions and collaborate to create awareness campaigns for concrete public action."

Teachers working on the project include Kelli Etheredge (Alabama, US), Wen-Ching Yang (Taiwan), Yogesh Sundoo (Mauritius), Sanjeev Taneja (Punjab, India), Daniel Mercado (Argentina) and Philip Benz (France).

Here is a mindmap representing the broad strokes of our project, which we intend to finish developing by mid-December, and implement with our students in the spring.

lundi 22 août 2011

Working with Mind Maps in the classroom

"Travailler en classe avec les Cartes Mentales"

Mind maps offer a new way of conceptualizing teaching and learning practices. Whether we build our mind maps by hand, using specialized software or online applications, with mind maps we are looking for another path towards students' acquisition of knowledge.

This booklet presents twenty three 4- to 8-page activities for the classroom, and as many different ways of using mind maps with students.

Available from Delagrave, from 5 September 2011.

Also discover these other titles from the Projetice collection:
Utiliser le Tableau Numérique
Transformer ses pratiques avec le Tablet PC
Utiliser un Espace Numérique de Travail
Ecrire et faire des maths avec Word 2007
Activités TICE à l'école

Travailler en classe avec les Cartes Mentales

Les cartes mentales représentent une nouvelle façon de concevoir les contenus pédagogiques. Que nous construisions nos cartes à la main, avec des logiciels ou avec des outils en ligne, nous recherchons avec les cartes mentales une autre voie vers l'appropriation des savoirs par les élèves.

Ce livret présente 23 fiches d'activités, autant de façons différentes d'intégrer l'utilisation des cartes mentales au travail des élèves.

Disponible chez Delagrave dès le 5 septembre 2011.

Découvrez également les autres titres de la collection Projetice:
Utiliser le Tableau Numérique
Transformer ses pratiques avec le Tablet PC
Utiliser un Espace Numérique de Travail
Ecrire et faire des maths avec Word 2007
Activités TICE à l'école